Gigi Woodall, Denver trauma therapist, smiling outdoors in a black blazer and white shirt.


Unpack your story

Get to know different parts of yourself, discover new insights, and make meaning of your experiences — so you can feel stronger and more in touch with your authentic self.

Specializing in trauma, PTSD, eating disorders, depression, and anxiety.





White tulips in a cozy Colorado therapy office.

Create a new path

Ever feel like a ‘people pleaser,’ constantly on edge — maybe feeling detached from your body, struggling with food, and uncertain about how to heal your relationships? It can be overwhelming.

But you don’t have to figure this out on your own.

Together, we'll create a new path forward — rewriting messages from your past and the world around you that have shaped your core beliefs and become barriers to the relationship with yourself and others.

I’ll help you explore the root of your current experiences and set action-based goals. Let’s work together to bring more peace, connection, and authenticity into your life.


Book a free 15—min. phone consult to determine if we’re a good fit.


If you wish to move forward, we’ll schedule your first session on the call.


We’ll spend time getting to know each other and establish your treatment plan.

Illustrated lavender icon.

know more of yourself

"Gigi is compassionate, warm, and easy to talk to. I feel like each time I see her I understand a little more of myself. She’s also given me perspective to help me strengthen my relationship with my 14-year-old son — I’m forever grateful.

Past Client | S.S.

Open window in Greenwood Village therapy office, offering a view of lush greenery.


$150 | session

Casual attire with striped shirt and jeans, representing a relaxed Colorado trauma therapist.


$175 | session

Cozy table setting with daisies and a striped cloth in Denver.



Live authentically

Therapy with me is a collaborative journey where we focus on self-discovery and personal growth. We’ll work together to make sense of your experiences and explore the different ‘parts’ of yourself.

This process can empower you to move forward in a way that feels true to who you are.

In our work together, you can expect to navigate everyday challenges with greater ease, feel more connected to your mind and body, and develop an intuitive sense of your needs with compassion and understanding — creating space for you to live authentically.

Let’s connect and see how we can work together on this journey.

Vertical light green and white stripes pattern.





Gigi Woodall・LMFT

Welcome! I'm Gigi, a Denver trauma therapist with a deep passion for mental health and helping people improve their quality of life. My goal is to help you understand the different parts of yourself that have developed to protect you so you can move through life with more ease and compassion.

Together, we’ll explore how early experiences, relationships, and environmental influences shaped your self-narratives — challenging them so you can discover your truth and lean into your authenticity and intuition.

My journey started in the nonprofit world with organizations like the National Eating Disorders Association, Project HEAL, and the One Love Foundation. After working at an eating disorder treatment center, I transitioned to private practice.

I'm also a proud Denver chapter member of the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (IAEDP), locally involved with the Eating Disorder Foundation, and am on my way to becoming a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist (CEDS). I currently see clients through the group practice, My Denver Therapy, and I'm so excited to support you on your path to healing and self-discovery.


Internal Family Systems Informed Training — IFS Institute, Online Circle
Internal Family Systems Integration Training — Frank Anderson, MD
Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) — Kim Johnson, LCSW
Eating Disorder Core Course Trainings — International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals
Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology — Elon University
Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy — University of Southern California

Illustrated lavender icon.


  • My fee per session is $135 for individual therapy and $175 for couples and family therapy.

    While I am an out-of-network provider, I provide a superbill for you to send to your insurance for potential reimbursement. To find out more about your out-of-network benefits, you may contact your insurance directly.

    You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill.

    For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit or call the Colorado Division of Insurance at 303-894-7490 or 1-800-930-3745.

  • Narrative Therapy

    Narrative Therapy is a powerful approach that focuses on societal, familial, and cultural messages told throughout our lives. This model empowers individuals to re-examine the messaging they’ve received to challenge specific narratives and reclaim their truths. Narrative therapy is a gentle approach to deconstructing messages that may have been traumatic or harmful in childhood, or in other relationships as an adult.

    Internal Family Systems Informed Practice

    Internal Family Systems is a somatic approach that honors and befriends the different “parts” of ourselves in a compassionate way. This model stems from the idea that we have an “internal system” of protective and wounded parts that serve crucial roles in our lives. Sometimes, these protective parts may show up as eating disorders or inner-critics, for example. Other times, these protective parts may show up as perfectionistic tendencies or people-pleasers. Once we begin to understand and extend compassion to these parts, they will begin to trust us more, and over time let go of their behaviors, thoughts, and roles in our lives. Internal Family Systems is incredibly transformative, and is especially helpful for trauma, PTSD, eating disorders, shame, guilt, and attachment wounds.

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy

    EMDR uses bilateral stimulation to alleviate distress and symptoms of PTSD. This is a specific, somatic protocol that targets traumatic experiences. EMDR is shown to be a highly effective model for healing, especially for those who feel like past trauma is impacting their day to day. EMDR also focuses on improving self-worth by providing space to create new narratives about ourselves and our experiences.

  • Yes! I offer Ketamine-assisted Psychotherapy on a limited basis for Friday and Sunday appointments. Please reach out for more information.

  • I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation before our first session. During the phone consultation, we’ll schedule your first appointment.

  • I want to honor what feels good for you and offer flexibility in frequency of scheduling.

    However, I do recommend that we meet weekly as we begin, to establish our relationship and set a strong foundation for our work together toward your healing.